Born the week the Beatles broke up

Masala Bhangra at DB365 with Sarina Jain. Photo courtesy of Ryan Kelly.

Today I turn 46. Not a huge milestone, as I’m already legally allowed to drink, drive and vote, although not together.

I never cared about getting older or lying about my age because there are so many more important things to lie about. I mean, what does it matter if a virgin like me is 26 or 46?

I’ve actually enjoyed sliding into the not giving a damn portion of my later years. That goes for working out. I can’t stand lifting weights and I’m not going to do it anymore. What I discovered this week is that I love Bhangra dancing. No sarcasm. It is like being a kid and just being joyful. No strict adherence to form, just keep moving and keep feeling the music. Thanks Sarina Jain at Masala Bhangra and Daily Burn 365 for making 46 feel better than 45. 

I’ve also discovered this week that Masala Bhangra needs to be done in a studio or large private house because it’s freaking the fuck out of my dog and my downstairs neighbor came up here to start some shit.

internal monologue: girl, you got this, you are the fiercest Rockette. Photo courtesy of Ryan Kelly.

Harry likes hiking and sleeping, not Bhangra.

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